This is a link to a presentation I did at a local conference (Barcamp, Omaha NE). I later gave the same presentation to a group of Omaha astronomers (the Omaha Astronomical Society).
This is NOT a scientific endeavor. I made many assumptions that are sketchy, to say the least: for example, I assumed that intelligent life would be like us in many respects (water-based planet in the "green zone" of its sun and in the galaxy, free manipulating limbs, a society, fluent communication, various probabilities of critical events, etc.).
So this is for fun - not a "real" answer to Fermi's Paradox. Though the "analysis" does result in a handful of intelligent species (one to six), of which we are one (though that may be subject to argument as well).
In any case, if you are in the mood to be amused by such things, here is a PDF of that presentation.